May 26, 2012

Well as I like to do at milestones for my small blog I like to thank everyone for viewing my work, leaving comments, and hopefully enjoying my work. The only lesson that I have been reminded of in the past 2+ years is that the anonymity of the Internet will enable people to hide and make rude comments. So sorry for the comment moderation, but if you make a comment I want to read it and reply to it. Not just sit back and wonder if the things you are bashing me about are things you are able to do yourself. Enough rant...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for continuing to come back and see what I am doing. 

Don't worry to you Gundam fans out there. I am having withdrawals from Gundam myself, but I am moving in a few weeks and have to get all that large stuff packed up so I can continue to build from back in the U.S. I have over 30 in my back stock right needless to say I will be building again as soon as I get everything back in the U.S. 

(: As always thank you for stopping by.


Thank you to ~Higure San for the image.

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